How to Use Video Marketing for Small Business Growth | Video Marketing for Small Business Growth

2017-10-31 4

How to Use Video Marketing for Small Business Growth

With one-third of online activity spent watching a video, it is clear that video marketing is one of the most effective social media marketing ways to attract new business.

Video Builds Trust

According to a recent study in the US, the pace of video creation is now accelerating at an even faster speed as companies seek to better cater to millennials – the first digitally native generation.

More than half of businesses in the study said they create video content at least once a week.

Social media is an enormous influence and has encouraged a trend for word-of-mouth and desire for authenticity. Video has emerged as the perfect medium to take advantage of this movement.

Consumers are impressed by creativity and innovation from a business, through mediums such as video.

In fact, a study by McKinsey found that the most creative companies, based on their ACS, did better than peer firms on two key business metrics: financial performance and McKinsey’s Innovation Score.

As such, you are sure to want your business to be part of this growing phenomenon, but it is important to get it right first time and every time.

Define what makes you distinctive

Whatever your area of expertise, you need to make sure that you carve out a niche. You need to offer something a bit different in the current bottom-up culture where the customer is in control.

In an already flooded beauty market, celebrity makeup artist Christina Flach stayed ahead of the competition because she made herself personable in her business.

She did this by brand building the business image through social media.

Christina uses makeup tutorial videos to build up a visual relationship with her viewers. By using video she familiarises herself with her viewers.

She knew she did not have a physical shop window to ‘wow’ her customers and attract big-name luxury brands, so her online presence was crucial for her image.

Beauty vloggers – including household names such as Zoella and Tanya Burr – build their brand exclusively through video.

If you want customers to choose you, then you need to position yourself through your video marketing strategy against the competition in a way that makes you stand out from the crowd.

Choose your target market and grab their attention early.

Marketing video

With over half of video content viewed on mobile devices, it’s key to remember that many videos are played on the move.

Even if we’re checking a mobile screen at home, our hyperconnected lives include a need for instant gratification and loss of patience.

Aim to capture a viewer’s attention in the first 10 seconds or less. Many solutions are given in the first few seconds and if that is not possible, ensure there are hooks to keep the viewer watching.

Use calls to action and answer questions

It’s most effective to place CTAs at the end of a video, even if you just add a few words telling users that they can ‘learn more at (insert URL)’.

A benefit to posting YouTube videos across social media is the clickable annotations, which you can turn into clickable CTAs.

Aiming to answer questions within your video gives value and adds credibility to your brand as an expert. Research the most frequently searched for questions on your topic and answer them concisely.

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